Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Sales and distribution are being considered as an integral part of every management system which performs several vital functions such as sales research and planning, creation of product and services demand, price fixation, establishing sales territories and coordinating sales and distribution of products to the buyer. With the involved complexities in this department, crops up the need for professionally skilled team to efficiently manage the various activities.
Training in SAP SD module is one of the best ways to develop the skills and attributes required in handling sales and distribution activities. SAP SD configuration requires adequate knowledge for efficiently handling tasks like risk management, billing, customer invoice, delivery etc.
Many companies across the globe have adopted SAP SD module to enhance the work quality in the below mentioned departments:
  • Billing
  • Sales
  • Shipping
  • Transportation
  • Foreign Trade
  • Sales Support
Today, SAP has been adopted by several companies from across the globe to enhance the processes in various departments. Many business experts advise to take SAP SD training in order to build a strong base on SAP SD user which has multiple components for integrating several business processes.
Saptac’ has proved its credibility by successfully imparting SAP SD training that contributes towards better data and work management in enterprises. Being the best SAP training institute in South India, it has catered to the growing need for SAP education among professionals.

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