Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Reports which once took many man hours to produce can now be customised and delivered to desktops across the enterprise in minutes. The best-of-breed technology that we recommend is to support a wide variety of reporting needs, including managed enterprise reporting, ad-hoc reporting, embedded reporting, and Web-based reporting. Reports are processed and delivered quickly and effectively, enabling users to either receive them automatically through subscriptions, access them from a central report repository on an ad-hoc basis or, in the context of their business processes, directly embedded into their business or Web applications. With efficient enterprise reporting, your people can make informed, time-critical business decisions, ahead of your competition.
The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with various aspects of Reporting, to make them understand Reporting codes and constructs, and to further their knowledge in writing Reporting from scratch.Provides an extensive training in Reporting and ensure placements assistance. SAPTAC provides training in Reporting by Experienced Faculty. This training is also supported with the help of live projects in Reporting, Reporting Administration which provides industrial exposure to the candidates & helps the Candidate in finding a suitable job in Reporting sectors. We Provides training in Reporting by experienced Industry Professionals.
AN ISO CERTIFIED INSTITUTE. over the past many years, SAPTAChas enabled fresher to make an entry into IT field. We consistently look for the new Technologies emerging in the IT field and guide our students in the same path. We were successful by making the student not only imparting Technical knowledge, but also with other skills like Communication, Aptitude, Group Discussion, Personality Development etc., All the Technologies may not suit all the candidates,and guide them to take the Program which is more relevant to them, unless otherwise the candidate opt to study a particular Technology. We also giving value added services to Colleges & Corporate.