Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Sales and distribution are being considered as an integral part of every management system which performs several vital functions such as sales research and planning, creation of product and services demand, price fixation, establishing sales territories and coordinating sales and distribution of products to the buyer. With the involved complexities in this department, crops up the need for professionally skilled team to efficiently manage the various activities.
Training in SAP SD module is one of the best ways to develop the skills and attributes required in handling sales and distribution activities. SAP SD configuration requires adequate knowledge for efficiently handling tasks like risk management, billing, customer invoice, delivery etc.
Many companies across the globe have adopted SAP SD module to enhance the work quality in the below mentioned departments:
  • Billing
  • Sales
  • Shipping
  • Transportation
  • Foreign Trade
  • Sales Support
Today, SAP has been adopted by several companies from across the globe to enhance the processes in various departments. Many business experts advise to take SAP SD training in order to build a strong base on SAP SD user which has multiple components for integrating several business processes.
Saptac’ has proved its credibility by successfully imparting SAP SD training that contributes towards better data and work management in enterprises. Being the best SAP training institute in South India, it has catered to the growing need for SAP education among professionals.


It is often seen that companies focus on maintaining and improving their relationship with the customers. Fostering customer loyalty has become the prime goal of the business organizations but while doing so, there is a dire need to ensure that the relationship with suppliers doesn’t get neglected.
A good relationship with the suppliers is equally important as it provides smooth way for business to run successfully. Supplier relationship management helps a firm in implementing strategic approach towards maintaining significant relationship with the suppliers which helps in the following ways:
Timely Delivery of Quality Materials
Supplier will give priority to a firm by delivering quality materials which will help a firm to meet its goal of timely supply in the market. Things must be done on time in order to provide excellent service to the customers. By implementing ‘SAP’ techniques an organization can maintain a proper track of suppliers and related their information.
Trouble-free Production
Production and manufacturing can be an effortless process only when the supply of raw materials is being done on time. A good relationship with your suppliers can assure you high quality raw materials and on time. A target of manufacturing products without difficulty can only be done when you have loyal suppliers.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of business which can only be achieved if the relationship with suppliers is good. Delivering defect free goods and services on time to the customers can only be done with the help of suppliers.
Relationship with your supplier can influence your level of success in the market. Being the best sap training institute in South India ‘Saptac’ has successfully providing training in ‘SAP Supplier Relationship Management’ which can have immense long-term benefits for companies.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

SAPTAC | SAP CRM System-Important for the growth of Business

Customer Relationship management is the strongest and the most efficient approach in maintaining and creating relationships with the customers.  Customer relationship management (CRM) helps all the business organizations to tackle all sorts of operational challenges in an effortless way. With the help of professional SAP training, a firm can gain an edge over its competitors by bringing out an outstanding performance in the given fields:
Client management
CRM contains each and every details of a customer in a segmented way which makes it easy to track and manage all the related details. CRM tool can be used to get more visibility into your client base, and helps in formulating better plans needed for long-term profitability.  CRM enables a firm in efficiently and effectively managing its client base by focusing on client’s satisfaction which in turn fetches an enhanced level of customer loyalty.
Profit maximization
SAP practices in CRM can help an entrepreneur in tracking the sectors where company is not performing well and hence get a chance to improve the work performance. This increases the chance of getting more business which ultimately enhances turnover and profit. ‘Saptac’ has come up as the best sap training institute in south India which provides an upgraded training in SAP CRM.
Improvement in customer service
CRM can improve a company’s customer service practices. By efficiently dealing with all the customers and providing them what they actually need increases the customer satisfaction. If the customer is satisfied they will always be loyal to your business. This tool enables a firm in increasing customer base and ultimately enhancing net growth of business.

Being the best training institute in south India, ‘Saptac’ has fulfilled the needs of many business organizations through various SAP training programs.

Friday, March 13, 2015

SAP – A milestone for your career

SAP – A milestone for your career

Being the world’s largest ERP solution providers, SAP is used in thousands of industries of different countries in order to add value.  The credibility of SAP certification can be easily understood upon knowing that around 70% of the companies on the Forbes 500 list, run on an enterprise resource planning which is provided by SAP.
SAP-skills have become an indispensable factor in the success of modern business. Understanding SAP software and the ability to work with it has become vital in many areas of the job market such as manufacturing, banking, IT, HR, supply chain management etc. Certification in this course can be done in different modules such as:
·        SAP Business Intelligence
·        SAP Customer Relationship Management
·        SAP Sales and Distribution
·        SAP FI/CO for Finance
·        SAP HCM module for HR and many more
Once you hold the professional certification, you have a good chance of having a career in the SAP field.  As such, a basic SAP certification is a fantastic way to set your career on track. However, it is very important to first learn about the different modules within SAP certification, so that you pick the modules that are most applicable to you and that will serve you best in your career.

 ‘Saptac’ has come up as the best SAP training institute in south India which provides certification in different modules of it. It takes years for professionals to gain expertise in handling SAP whereas Saptac helps one to gain knowledge of SAP modules, imparted by experienced practicing SAP consultants with Fortune and SAP certified instructors. This professional training will bring many opportunities for a bright career.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Crystal Reports has been part of Visual Studio since 1993, and is now the standard for reporting in Visual Studio 2005. It ships with every copy of Visual Studio 2005 and is integrated directly into the development environment. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005brings the ability to create interactive, presentation-quality content to the Windows environment. With Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005, you can create complex and professional reports in a GUI-based program. Then you can connect your report to almost any database source, as well as to proxy data, such as a result set (for example, an ADO.NET DataSet). With the wizards included in the GUI designer, you can easily set formatting, grouping, charting, and other criteria. You can host your report in either a Web or Windows application, with one of the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 viewer controls. Report presentation in both Windows and HTML 3.2 or 4.0 clients is highly interactive and provides you with features such as chart drill down, report navigation, and text search.
Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 ships with an extensive SDK. You can use the SDK to interact with the report programmatically at runtime, by use of one of four possible object models:
* Report Document, the more extensive object model.
* Crystal Report Viewer, the simplest object model.
* Object models available through upgrade:
* Report Client Document, the most extensive object model.
* Info Object, a powerful object model for scheduling and configuring reports within the Crystal Reports Server or Modules Enterprise framework.
You use the BI Java SDK to create analytical applications with which you access both multidimensional (Online Analytical Processing and OLAP) and tabular (relational) data. You can also edit and display this data.
The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with various aspects of Crystal Reports to make them understand Crystal Reports codes and constructs, and to further their knowledge in writing Crystal Reports from scratch. Provides an extensive training in Crystal Reports and ensure placements assistance. SAPTACprovides training in Crystal Reports by Experienced Faculty. This training is also supported with the help of live projects in Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports Administration which provides industrial exposure to the candidates & helps the Candidate in finding a suitable job in Crystal Reports sectors. Best Sap training institute in bangalore (SAPTAC) Provides training in Crystal Reports by experienced Industry Professionals.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Saptac is a best sap training institute in bangalore. We offer best corporate training.
At SAPTAC, We are dedicated to your success and achievement of your vision. With every client, Saptac value proposition is to apply best practices in reducing operational and training costs while extending the value of your SAP knowledge and skills. With ERP Scholars, you have the partner who understands the business aspects of best-of-breed training and how to help organizations and individuals to achieve world-class SAP training performance levels.
Experienced Faculty
At Saptac we understand that no training is a success unless the training delivery is perfect, suits your needs and can be accommodated within your resources. This is why we carefully choose our faculties who have a minimum threshold experience in the related field of technology. Each trainer has an assured and proven track record of exemplary SAP experience and is capable of training right from beginners to senior professionals.
Training Venue
We also realize the requirement of our customers that the training intervention has a lot of other objectives other than just fitting the training budget. Which is why we offer a innovative service of conducting the training in a facility of the choice of the client.
Customized Training
No two clients are the same. We do not believe in the methodology that ‘one size fits for all’. We have fixed training modules but customizable modes of training delivery. We are of the understanding that the same module can be delivered to one client by a trainer who only trains seasoned professionals while another client might want the same content to be delivered first by someone who is more into basics and then go on to higher strata concepts. You have it in mind, we have it in our service!
Client Satisfaction
Saptac is one of the best sap training institute in India to offer its clients the benefit of assessing its training programs through textbook methodology in actual. We almost always take about training evaluation, but often forget to actually put it into practice. We at Saptac understand the client’s need to add justification to the training expenditure spent on the training program and hence offer an evaluation structure whereby we guarantee the customer’s delight.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


There are old companies that have been around for a long time that are currently using SAP ERP to systematize the operations of their business. TATAs is one of them that exist for over 143 years. They have been doing business since 1868. Their business started with religious tracts and now they have a dozen different lines of business that includes direct selling, customized publishing, school fund-raising, sales training, software development, outsourcing unit and even manufactures motor cars and heavy multi utility vehicles. One of the main reasons why this company last this long is because it tried its best to catch up with the changing times.
They consider SAP ERP to be the most important IT infrastructure that has helped them cope with all the changes. Their IT system is robust and is considered as the backbone of their business. Different divisions in their company like order processing, inventory management and warehouse management uses this system. They consider it as the most important software that they run in the company.
Everything changed for the better when they decided to transit their IT system from a complex environment in which its SAP ERP ran off. They did this while other companies were still using applications that were running on Windows-based hardware. The company’s current system runs all their wares and servers with advance processors that could utilize both SAP ERP and their own Windows applications. The system that they currently use allowed them to save a lot of money by keeping their old servers and combine it in their new storage data.
The companies can overcome wastage of time by using the right SAPERP system that suits your business environment or even customizing it. It’s best to get a SAP Consulting expert that will help you figure out what specific system your company will need to virtualize your office system.